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As a software developer with over 35 years of experience (Yeah, I'm old,) I have always focused on the desktop-based methodologies for software design and programming. I've done some basic HTML, some light javascript, and I thought I understood the concept behind CSS. In fact, in my last job, I spent a lot of time troubleshooting issues with a very complex web-based system that incorporated HTML, CSS, Javascript, JSON, C#, Angular, with an MS SQL and PostgreSQL backend. I could read the code and troubleshoot enough to describe and assign issues to the development team.

For my public-facing website, I used a sophisticated GUI, provided by the ISP, for building the site and adding content. I used to feel a sense of pride when people asked me who made my website, and I replied, "I did." However, after diving into the certificate course for web development at Edmonds Community College, I can genuinely say I was missing a significant portion of understanding about website development.

In my early days as a game developer, I learned how to write assembly language. I was able to acquire an understanding of how computers worked, how a CPU truly worked, how memory is addressed, and the differences between hardware, software, and firmware. It was an excellent foundation of knowledge to have when writing C/C++ code for desktops and especially for mobile devices.

To have a full understanding of how websites function, how cloud networking technology is changing information management, and how web-based applications are replacing local software - one needs to have a "full-stack" understanding of web development. Thankfully, this web development course is bringing me back into the market as a certified web developer.